What would cause my Dell running Windows XP Home
Edition to hang when I access the Internet via
dialup modem?
When I connect my Dell Dimension 8300 to a LAN via
the internal 100Mbit NIC and then access Windows
Update, it runs beautifully.
When I take it home and connect via the internal
data/fax modem, the system always hangs when
Windows Update scans to 66%. I then have to
power-cycle the machine. It will also hang when
I access other Internet sites, but hanging with
Windows Update is the easiest to reproduce.
Just before the system hangs, the cursor sticks
for seconds at a time when accessing Web pages
in IE.
I see this behavior whether I use AT&T or
Earthlink as my dialup ISP.
I have a Windows 98 Sony VAIO that has no problems
accessing the Internet via the same phone line and
the same AT&T ISP.
I'm new to Windows and PCs (I have a UNIX background).
Where do I start looking for solutions?
Edition to hang when I access the Internet via
dialup modem?
When I connect my Dell Dimension 8300 to a LAN via
the internal 100Mbit NIC and then access Windows
Update, it runs beautifully.
When I take it home and connect via the internal
data/fax modem, the system always hangs when
Windows Update scans to 66%. I then have to
power-cycle the machine. It will also hang when
I access other Internet sites, but hanging with
Windows Update is the easiest to reproduce.
Just before the system hangs, the cursor sticks
for seconds at a time when accessing Web pages
in IE.
I see this behavior whether I use AT&T or
Earthlink as my dialup ISP.
I have a Windows 98 Sony VAIO that has no problems
accessing the Internet via the same phone line and
the same AT&T ISP.
I'm new to Windows and PCs (I have a UNIX background).
Where do I start looking for solutions?