Michael Moser
When I log off or shut-down my system always hangs for about 2 minutes
with the message "Saving your settings...". During that time there is no
apparent activity (i.e. no disk accesses, no processes showing high-CPU
utilization, nothing - the system just sits and waits - but for
I presume it is waiting for some application or service that does no
longer responds until some timeout strikes. I am no longer willing to
accept that waiting time! But rather than just "flipping the power
switch" (which I already did a few times when I was really tired to wait
and had to leave NOW) I would rather prefer changing the relevant
timeout values such that the system aborts these non-responsive
processes after at most 5 seconds or so and then has a chance to do an
at least somewhat decent shutdown.
Does someone have a (pointer to a) description or list of relevant
registry entries (or whatever it takes) to shorten these shutdown delays
to an absolute minimum?
with the message "Saving your settings...". During that time there is no
apparent activity (i.e. no disk accesses, no processes showing high-CPU
utilization, nothing - the system just sits and waits - but for
I presume it is waiting for some application or service that does no
longer responds until some timeout strikes. I am no longer willing to
accept that waiting time! But rather than just "flipping the power
switch" (which I already did a few times when I was really tired to wait
and had to leave NOW) I would rather prefer changing the relevant
timeout values such that the system aborts these non-responsive
processes after at most 5 seconds or so and then has a chance to do an
at least somewhat decent shutdown.
Does someone have a (pointer to a) description or list of relevant
registry entries (or whatever it takes) to shorten these shutdown delays
to an absolute minimum?