System Freezen 10 to 20 minutes while connection Internet and Open



I'm using XP SP2 with all latest update, I use Norton Anti-Virus Enterprise 9
and my anti-virus system.

Now, every time when I connect to the Internet and open the IE7, my system
will suddenly not responding. If I open some other applications like Firefox
before I open the IE7, I can use ALT+TAB to switch to the firefox and work on
it, but system still looks hang up, even clock in task bar don't change at
all. It will takes around 10 to 20 minutes, and system will come back.

I checked with the task manager, everything looks normal, CPU 10% usage, I
have enough memory, just explore.exe has some page faults. In fact, I'm using
2G memory.

I did lot of research, and couldn't find any good solution to resolve this
problem, hope I can find some helps from here.


Karl Strausser

Hi Yonie,

This could be some rogue program in the background, or a faulty hard
disk. On the account of the 20 minutes that it takes for the PC to
come back to life, I personally think it might be a hard disk problem
but, just in case, first check your background programs at :


I'm using XP SP2 with all latest update, I use Norton Anti-Virus
Enterprise 9
and my anti-virus system.

Now, every time when I connect to the Internet and open the IE7, my
will suddenly not responding. If I open some other applications like
before I open the IE7, I can use ALT+TAB to switch to the firefox and
work on
it, but system still looks hang up, even clock in task bar don't
change at
all. It will takes around 10 to 20 minutes, and system will come back.

I checked with the task manager, everything looks normal, CPU 10%
usage, I
have enough memory, just explore.exe has some page faults. In fact,
I'm using
2G memory.

I did lot of research, and couldn't find any good solution to resolve
problem, hope I can find some helps from here.



Karl Strausser said:
Hi Yonie,

This could be some rogue program in the background, or a faulty hard
disk. On the account of the 20 minutes that it takes for the PC to
come back to life, I personally think it might be a hard disk problem
but, just in case, first check your background programs at :


I'm using XP SP2 with all latest update, I use Norton Anti-Virus
Enterprise 9
and my anti-virus system.

Now, every time when I connect to the Internet and open the IE7, my
will suddenly not responding. If I open some other applications like
before I open the IE7, I can use ALT+TAB to switch to the firefox and
work on
it, but system still looks hang up, even clock in task bar don't
change at
all. It will takes around 10 to 20 minutes, and system will come back.

I checked with the task manager, everything looks normal, CPU 10%
usage, I
have enough memory, just explore.exe has some page faults. In fact,
I'm using
2G memory.

I did lot of research, and couldn't find any good solution to resolve
problem, hope I can find some helps from here.


wipe your computa or get a new harddisk

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