System Fan

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Hello, I have an issue that I was hoping you fine people
could help me with. You see I recently replaced my video
card with a Radeon 9800 Pro. I had to directly connect
it to my computer's internal power source. But now, my
system fan is now running at 0 rpm. My computer tends to
warm up quite a bit if I am playing a game, so I was
wondering if there is anyway that I could possible get my
System Fan to operate. If any of you have any
information concerning my issue I would truly be thankful
if you could write your message on this post. Thank you
for your time.
Did you connect the power directly from the PSU using one of
the free taps or did you disconnect the power from the CPU
fan or insert a splitter?

Did you buy a retail boxed ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or a
different brand or white box product w/o an installation
manual? Do you have a motherboard manual for your computer?

| Hello, I have an issue that I was hoping you fine people
| could help me with. You see I recently replaced my video
| card with a Radeon 9800 Pro. I had to directly connect
| it to my computer's internal power source. But now, my
| system fan is now running at 0 rpm. My computer tends to
| warm up quite a bit if I am playing a game, so I was
| wondering if there is anyway that I could possible get my
| System Fan to operate. If any of you have any
| information concerning my issue I would truly be thankful
| if you could write your message on this post. Thank you
| for your time.
I had to redirect one of my cords so that the power that
went to the hard-drive also could be direct to the video
card, so there basically, there was an extra connection
for the power cord that went into the hard-drive, and I
just put that one in the video card power slot. I bought
a retail version of the video card, also I do have the
manual for my mother board, but it does not assist me
with the power procedure setups for what I am speaking
about. I check with the manufactor site of my mother
board, which is MSI, but I had no luck there either.
Could there be some factor that I am not considering, if
there is any other information you need please feel free
to ask for it. I appreciate your time and effort, and I
hope you can re-post on my issue soon. Good day to you.
Are you actually looking at the CPU fan and seeing that it
isn't turning or are you using a monitor program supplied by
MSI or a generic such as Motherboard Monitor?

You can run the computer for a while with the case open and
look at all the fans to be sure they are spinning at fast
speeds. It sounds as though your power connection is OK.
There should be a small two or three wire connection on the
mobo for fan speed monitoring, make sure that you didn't
knock it off the pins on the mobo. The mobo manual should
have a diagram or picture showing all connections.

You might also check the BIOS to make sure that monitoring
of the mobo is enabled.

If the fan was really at zero rpm the CPU would probably fry
itself in a few seconds.

| I had to redirect one of my cords so that the power that
| went to the hard-drive also could be direct to the video
| card, so there basically, there was an extra connection
| for the power cord that went into the hard-drive, and I
| just put that one in the video card power slot. I bought
| a retail version of the video card, also I do have the
| manual for my mother board, but it does not assist me
| with the power procedure setups for what I am speaking
| about. I check with the manufactor site of my mother
| board, which is MSI, but I had no luck there either.
| Could there be some factor that I am not considering, if
| there is any other information you need please feel free
| to ask for it. I appreciate your time and effort, and I
| hope you can re-post on my issue soon. Good day to you.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Did you connect the power directly from the PSU using
| one of
| >the free taps or did you disconnect the power from the
| >fan or insert a splitter?
| >
| >Did you buy a retail boxed ATI Radeon 9800 Pro or a
| >different brand or white box product w/o an installation
| >manual? Do you have a motherboard manual for your
| computer?
| >
| >
| >| >| Hello, I have an issue that I was hoping you fine
| people
| >| could help me with. You see I recently replaced my
| video
| >| card with a Radeon 9800 Pro. I had to directly connect
| >| it to my computer's internal power source. But now, my
| >| system fan is now running at 0 rpm. My computer tends
| to
| >| warm up quite a bit if I am playing a game, so I was
| >| wondering if there is anyway that I could possible get
| my
| >| System Fan to operate. If any of you have any
| >| information concerning my issue I would truly be
| thankful
| >| if you could write your message on this post. Thank
| you
| >| for your time.
| >
| >
| >.
| >
It is not the CPU Fan, that is running fine, it is the
system fan, but I will check again for wire connections,
but my mother board manual does not show any diagram for
such a procedure, but I think I do know what you are
talking about when you say it could a two wire connection
cord that is not in, I believe there was one extra cord
not placed in but I thought that was just a surplus plug,
may I ask if it is this wire, where exactly would it plug
into, is there a spot on the motherboard for it or would
it connect in somewhere else? Thank you for replying. I
appreciate your time.
does the wire from the fan have a molex connector or a small 3 pin female connector

if its a molex it needs to connect to a source connector from the PSU or a "Y" connector coming from a device

The small 3 pin will connect to a 3 pin header on the MoBo