System drive folder tree is very strange




I'm having weird problems on Vista - e.g., I can run Photoshop only as an
Administrator. Otherwise the program tells me that the "Files are locked".
When I go in the C: drive, what I see is an INFINITELY nested "Application
data" subfolder - please see here:

Note that many of those folders have icons with the arrow that normally
signifies a shortcut - however, some are apparently not shortcuts (e.g.,
Application Data Properties box).

Any idea what's happening and what I should do about it?




The Application Data is infinitely nested. That is simply because it is a
linked folder that is linked back to itself. All "Application Data" folders
are not folders but links. In the command line type dir /al and see where
the links go to.

Usually these links are "denied" access because MS sets the permissions on
them so even admins can't access. I have taken Control of them because I
prefer to use the old locations than go throught the MULTIPLE folders to find
the new ones. Eg. I add stuff to my "Send To" which has been moved from my
profile root folder in XP to AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Send To. The
same with the start menu. Vista is all about 10 clicks to do what 1 click
would do in XP. Everything needs multple clicks now from setting permissions
- How many boxes are needed? To having to click OK to the warning boxes that
pop up with everything.

Photoshop CS isn't Vista approved and they don't plan to make it so. Read
more about it on Adobe's website. That is typical Adobe. I haven't bothered
to install. Luckily my Macromedia suite works fine.

"Adobe does not recommend installing and running InDesign CS, Photoshop CS,
Illustrator CS, GoLIve CS, or earlier versions of any of these products on
Windows Vista."



Thanks Lara.

The version I have is CS2, not CS. But I get your point.

Is it normal that the application data be infinitely nested? If not, how do
I correct that?


Yes - It is not a Folder. It is a Link to AppData and inside it has another
Link to AppData so you are opening the same folder everytime. It is just the
way Vista was setup to support backwards compatability. This is why MS made
the folder access denied so it didn't confuse people.

I was initially very confused with Vista's folders. However for the first
time since 95 I have the folders hidden in Folder Options so I don't see them.



Ah... Thanks Lisa - this makes things much clearer. I thought I had broken

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