Can any one help? I'm trying to use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start to open
legacy MS access aplications (ade and mdb files) and vb 6 .exe's using
asp.net. There is something confusing going on?!?
The files are all in the same network location, when I try and start the
MSaccess files I get a "file not found" error (it does go as far as opening
Msaccess, but doesn't load the DB), when I try to start the exe, the .exe is
found and runs, but the ini file is not found (you have to browse to it on
the local machine) then the SQL connection fails because its trying to log on
as the local machine name. All the files have inherited information from the
parent folder so are identical. This is the code I'm using:
Dim ProcessStartInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
ProcessStartInfo.FileName = stb.ToString
ProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = [local dir]
ProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle.Maximized
ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = True
ProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False
I've tried it with and without:
'Dim impersonationContext As
'Dim currentWindowsIdentity As
'currentWindowsIdentity = CType(User.Identity,
'impersonationContext = currentWindowsIdentity.Impersonate()
and my machine config is set up as this:
<identity impersonate="true" userName="domain\administrator"
<processModel userName="machine" password="autogenerate" />
have also tried:
<processModel userName="system" password="autogenerate" />
Someone please help.....
legacy MS access aplications (ade and mdb files) and vb 6 .exe's using
asp.net. There is something confusing going on?!?
The files are all in the same network location, when I try and start the
MSaccess files I get a "file not found" error (it does go as far as opening
Msaccess, but doesn't load the DB), when I try to start the exe, the .exe is
found and runs, but the ini file is not found (you have to browse to it on
the local machine) then the SQL connection fails because its trying to log on
as the local machine name. All the files have inherited information from the
parent folder so are identical. This is the code I'm using:
Dim ProcessStartInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
ProcessStartInfo.FileName = stb.ToString
ProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = [local dir]
ProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessStartInfo.WindowStyle.Maximized
ProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = True
ProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = False
I've tried it with and without:
'Dim impersonationContext As
'Dim currentWindowsIdentity As
'currentWindowsIdentity = CType(User.Identity,
'impersonationContext = currentWindowsIdentity.Impersonate()
and my machine config is set up as this:
<identity impersonate="true" userName="domain\administrator"
<processModel userName="machine" password="autogenerate" />
have also tried:
<processModel userName="system" password="autogenerate" />
Someone please help.....