system crash



I just installed the antispyware and my Dell Latitude
laptop no longer works. I have Windows XP home edition.
Approximately one minute after turning the computer on I
get a message that the Remote Procedure Call service is
not responding and the computer will shut down in 60
seconds. If I try to access the Antispyware (to disable
it) in the 2 minute window I get a message that the
Antispyware encountered a critical error (101) and will
not function.

Does anyone know if there is something I can do? eg. Is
there something I can alter in setup mode that will
reinstitue Remote Procedure Call?
(e-mail address removed) (ie, I am not a techie)


-----Original Message-----
I just installed the antispyware and my Dell Latitude
laptop no longer works. I have Windows XP home edition.
Approximately one minute after turning the computer on I
get a message that the Remote Procedure Call service is
not responding and the computer will shut down in 60
seconds. If I try to access the Antispyware (to disable
it) in the 2 minute window I get a message that the
Antispyware encountered a critical error (101) and will
not function.

Does anyone know if there is something I can do? eg. Is
there something I can alter in setup mode that will
reinstitue Remote Procedure Call?
(e-mail address removed) (ie, I am not a techie)
Just a hunch, but if your system is not fully updated,
then you may have picked up a sasser worm, or MSBlaster.
If you Google for sasser removal tools, or MSBlaster
removal tools and run them, they will tell you if you
have it or not.

Did you run Anti-Spyware, or did you just install it?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Rick said:
I just installed the antispyware and my Dell Latitude
laptop no longer works. I have Windows XP home edition.
Approximately one minute after turning the computer on I
get a message that the Remote Procedure Call service is
not responding and the computer will shut down in 60
seconds. If I try to access the Antispyware (to disable
it) in the 2 minute window I get a message that the
Antispyware encountered a critical error (101) and will
not function.

Does anyone know if there is something I can do? eg. Is
there something I can alter in setup mode that will
reinstitue Remote Procedure Call?
(e-mail address removed) (ie, I am not a techie)

You ran without a firewall.
Your system is infected by the MSBlaster Worm. This is causing the system to
shutdown abnormally.

From Ron Martel

Do steps 1 and 2 on your working computer.

1. Get the Blaster removal script from MVP Kelly Theriot's web site:
2. Get the Microsoft patch from;en-us;823980#WinXP

Copy the downloaded files to a 3.5 inch diskette (they will both fit
on the same 1.44 mb diskette) or burn them to a CD

3. Disconnect the infected computer from the Internet. Unplug
Cable/DSL modem if you have one. That prevents reinfection during the
time interval between running the script and the completion of the
patch installation.
4. Run the script.
5. Install the patch.
6. Activate the Internet Connection Firewall in Windows XP
7. Reconnect to the Internet. Update your antivirus software and do
a complete scan.
8. Go to the Windows Update and get all repeat all of the critical
updates for your computer.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


I just saw this on a customers Dell computer. I am a
certified Dell tech and was sent by Dell to see what the
problem was. System was fine until antispyware was run.
Afterwards, system shuts down with either the Remote
Procedure call error, or a error with the lsass.dll file.
I booted system into safemode, system restore. Scanned for
viruses. System worked fine. Reinstalled antispyware, and
ran it. System won't boot again. It is not a virus
problem, it has to do with antispyware program.

Bill Sanderson

When you say that you reinstalled Microsoft Antispyware, and ran it--did you
also scan the machine, and, following the scan, tell it to remove threats?

I'm having trouble imagining that this is a straight conflict--i.e. install
the program, bang, system hosed.

So--if these symptoms follow removal, the question is--what was removed?

One way to get at that information is to look in the cleaner.log file in the
folder Microsoft Antispyware is installed in.

I'm not sure I would be able to make any sense out of this information--but
I'd like to get a clearer picture of what's causing these symptoms-- because
I've seen at least three or four similar posts--and you've done a good clear
job of describing what happened.

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