System 32 trojan horse



I made a post a while ago about system32.exe. It turns
out that this file was a trojan horse. It's great that
it is gone but now I'm trying to figure out how to get
rid of the box that shows up when I start up my computer.






Ron said:
I made a post a while ago about system32.exe. It turns
out that this file was a trojan horse. It's great that
it is gone but now I'm trying to figure out how to get
rid of the box that shows up when I start up my computer.



What box? Without knowing more all I can suggest is to go to Start |
Run. Type in Msconfig. Hit ok. On the startup tab look for a
reference to the program name that is showing in the box that pops up
and uncheck that line.

Ken Blake

I made a post a while ago about system32.exe. It turns
out that this file was a trojan horse. It's great that
it is gone but now I'm trying to figure out how to get
rid of the box that shows up when I start up my computer.

See, Win XP Fixes, Clean KWBot.Worm Registry


Hi Guys... Looks like I have/had the System 32 problem at start up. I ran
adware/symantec and isolated the virus and the dougknow VB script, but still
get the stall at start up. I followed the -> msconfig/control
panel/system/start up but cant see any thing marked system32.exe. I do have
a rk-boot.exe with is in the Win System 32 file????????? Suggests guys?

Doug Knox MS-MVP

See, Win XP Utilities, Startup Programs Tracker. This gives a more readable listing than MSCONFIG, and checks a few other startup vectors.

Alex Nichol

Vovager105 said:
Looks like I have/had the System 32 problem at start up. I ran
adware/symantec and isolated the virus and the dougknow VB script, but still
get the stall at start up. I followed the -> msconfig/control
panel/system/start up but cant see any thing marked system32.exe.

look there for anything where the Command column is either blank, or
starts with a character that could not possibly be the start of a file
name, like / or :

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