From: <
[email protected]>
| David,
| I understand that the hardware differences may not allow this to
| happen. Maybe you can answer this for me. Let me give you a little
| more detail.
| I'm using ghost 8 corporate edition, and the sysprep 1.1 as suggested
| by microsoft. I'm trying to ghost win2k server sp4.
| I can get ghost to successfully run sysprep, I beleive that I have my
| sysprep.ini file edited properly, but not 100% sure. When I push the
| image to the new hardware, the little progress bar only gets anywhere
| from 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through, then it blue screens. The error is
| Should this boot into pcDOS or go straight to windows? When I reboot
| the image source, it boots to pcDOS, then reboots to windows, and I get
| the mini wizard....
I have used Symantec Enterprise v7.x ~ v8.
You need to fully understand the concept of how arrays are seen by the OS. Is the RAID
performed by the OS or are you using a RAID Controller. If the OS handles RAID then you
WILL have problems. If you have a RAID controller then the RAID controller passes one large
virtual drive to the OS. Either the Win2K Server OS or PC/MS-DOS used on the Ghost Boot
I again suggest you go to...
This is NOT a windows problem but a Ghost problem and Ghost is by Symantec.
PDF Manuals...
Read p.156