Sysprep and advanced features

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Hello, i need to find out about a way i can use sysprep to only use one
image for our comany, the problem is the mass storage hardware, does anyone
know how i can use sysprep to fix this, so that it will support this? Thank

Would you mind explaining the problem in reference to "mass storage hardware" ?


| Hello, i need to find out about a way i can use sysprep to only use one
| image for our comany, the problem is the mass storage hardware, does anyone
| know how i can use sysprep to fix this, so that it will support this? Thank
| you
| Jay
Ok...we have dell gx150 and gx260, also IBM a30 and a31 laptops, also we
have older HP VL-400 on campus, what we want to do is make two images to
deploy, one with Xp and one with win2k, from what i understand it can be
done, with a mass storage feature in sysprep, but i still dont really
understand how to do it, MS how to,doesnt explain clearly, and im not sure
if i can do it for all machines, i would think maybe two images per vendor,
not all, hopefully this help, thank you for responding.

I use Symantec Enterprise Ghost in conjunction with SysPrep and its a piece of cake.

However, you can not cross platforms. The storage sub-system is just ONE of the many
hardware constructs that will block a successful clone if the platforms are not the same.

I highly suggest that you have an image for EACH platform and for each OS.


| Ok...we have dell gx150 and gx260, also IBM a30 and a31 laptops, also we
| have older HP VL-400 on campus, what we want to do is make two images to
| deploy, one with Xp and one with win2k, from what i understand it can be
| done, with a mass storage feature in sysprep, but i still dont really
| understand how to do it, MS how to,doesnt explain clearly, and im not sure
| if i can do it for all machines, i would think maybe two images per vendor,
| not all, hopefully this help, thank you for responding.
| | > Would you mind explaining the problem in reference to "mass storage
| hardware" ?
| >
| > Dave
| >
| | > | Hello, i need to find out about a way i can use sysprep to only use one
| > | image for our comany, the problem is the mass storage hardware, does
| anyone
| > | know how i can use sysprep to fix this, so that it will support this?
| Thank
| > | you
| > |
| > |
| > | Jay
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
Add the [sysprepmassstorage] section to your sysprep.inf
file with the information concerning the additional mass
storage drivers you want available. You should also have
the driver files located under the \Sysprep directory for
sysprep to find. A sample sysprep.inf file with
additional drivers is shown below:







; To install the Compaq Smart Array 641 & 642 driver for

x\cpqcissm.inf","\","Smart Array 5x and 6x Driver
Diskette", \CpqCissm.sys

x\cpqcissm.inf","\","Smart Array 5x and 6x Driver
Diskette", \CpqCissm.sys
Thanks Tom, but im still confused about how you got
; To install the Compaq Smart Array 641 & 642 driver for

x\cpqcissm.inf","\","Smart Array 5x and 6x Driver
Diskette", \CpqCissm.sys

x\cpqcissm.inf","\","Smart Array 5x and 6x Driver
Diskette", \CpqCissm.sys

I mean, does this do it on its own or do i ha ve to edit this like this , cause i ha ve no udea what that all mean, i understand part of it, but for instance i have dell gx150 and 270 plus ibm a31 ,a30 so how would i go about doing it for them 4 mahcines, thanks

Like I stated, you can't cross platforms. You can't image an IBM notebook and restore the
image to a Dell. There are just too many hardware differences !

Tom's answer is correct only for different storage solutions on a particular model Compaq
platform, but, that's it.


| Thanks Tom, but im still confused about how you got
| sysprepmassstorage]
| ; To install the Compaq Smart Array 641 & 642 driver for
| ML310s
| PCI\VEN_0E11&DEV_0046&SUBSYS_409A0E11="C:\sysprep\Compaq5x6
| x\cpqcissm.inf","\","Smart Array 5x and 6x Driver
| Diskette", \CpqCissm.sys
| PCI\VEN_0E11&DEV_0046&SUBSYS_409B0E11="C:\sysprep\Compaq5x6
| x\cpqcissm.inf","\","Smart Array 5x and 6x Driver
| Diskette", \CpqCissm.sys
| I mean, does this do it on its own or do i ha ve to edit this like this , cause i ha ve
no udea what that all mean, i understand part of it, but for instance i have dell gx150 and
270 plus ibm a31 ,a30 so how would i go about doing it for them 4 mahcines, thanks