syntax to see if record exists in SQL!! (ASAP!)

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I'm sort of in a rush here...I'm sort of new to and I'm trying to
write the syntax to check a sql table to see if the record already exists
based on firstname and lastname text fields (will match to firstname and
lastname in SQL table). I can't figure out the syntax!!! I would like the
Error msg to just display and exit the sub if the row exists. help!!!!
try a sql statement something like:

SELECT count(*) from myTable where lastname=@theLastName and

where the parameters with the @ signs are where you plug in the values you
are searching on. Then you will know not only if one exists, but how many.

You can also use the EXISTS clause if you like.

If you are using MS Sql Server, I can recommend the online help in the
Query Analyzer function. Just look at "Transact SQL" help, which is also
accessible from your Windows START menu
that sounds great! but what I need help with is developing the code
to run the, i'm a little confused when to use data adaptors (da)
dataset( ds) and datarow (dr)

i was trying something like this

'Check if subject already exists
Dim comm As String = "Select * from Subject s WHERE
s.subject_lname = '" & txtLN.Text & "' AND s.subject_fname = '" & txtFN.Text
& "'"

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(comm, connStr)
Dim ds As New DataSet

dachk.Fill(ds, "SUBJECT")
Dim dr As DataRow
For Each dr In ds.Tables("SUBJECT").Rows
If sql.rows.count > 0 Then ****THIS PART DOESN"T WORK, Can't
figure out the code to perform this operation!
lblchk.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
Hi ST,

VB.Net code isn't my strongest side, but what is 'sql'?
Also, the if statement in your 'for each' won't be reached if there are no rows in the DataTable

Furthermore, DataAdapter.Fill returns the number of rows affected, so

if( da.Fill(ds, "SUBJECT") > 0 )
// record found

Now, if you don't need to use the records you might be better off using
SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery instead.

using(SqlCommand sc = new SqlCommand(queryText, conn))
if(sc.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0)
// record exists)

You may need to encapsulate the query with sc.Open() and sc.Close().
ST said:
For Each dr In ds.Tables("SUBJECT").Rows
If sql.rows.count > 0 Then ****THIS PART DOESN"T WORK, Can't
figure out the code to perform this operation!
lblchk.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If

Where is the "sql.rows.count" object coming from? "dr" is a row object so if
you get past the "For Each dr In ds.Tables("SUBJECT").Rows" line then you
have a populated row object (dr), meaning you have some data. Not the ideal
way of doing it but it would work.

Since you're in a hurry you can try this:
For Each dr In ds.Tables("SUBJECT").Rows
lblchk.Visible = True
Exit Sub

When you get some time, check out the ExecuteScalar function of the
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.Command object. That will bring back a
single value for you rapidly.

Good luck!
Here's a function for you when you get some time to review.

Public Function GetSingleValue(ByVal SQL As String) As String
Dim conConnection As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection =
GetConnection() 'See function below
Dim cmdCommand As New SqlCommand(SQL, conConnection)
Dim objResults As Object
Dim sReturn As String = String.Empty

objResults = cmdCommand.ExecuteScalar 'NOTE: Do not use
CommandBehavior.CloseConnection here.
If TypeOf objResults Is System.DBNull Then
sReturn = String.Empty
sReturn = CType(objResults, String)
End If

Catch sqlex As SqlException
Throw New Exception(sqlex.Message)
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.InnerException Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception(ex.Message)
Throw New Exception(ex.InnerException.Message)
End If
End Try

Return sReturn
End Function

Public Function GetConnection() As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Return New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(YouConnectionStringHere)
End Function