Frankie via AccessMonster.com
I wrote the following code in the AfterUpdate event of a form which returns
syntax problem and I can't find it.
Can someone help me please ?
"If Not IsNull(Me!DateJour) Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE T_RHC SET " _
& "NumSemaine = " & DatePart("ww", Me!DateJour, 2) & ", " _
& "JourSem = " & Format(DatePart("w", Me!DateJour), "dddd") & "
WHERE IDContrat = " _
& Me!IDContrat, dbFailOnError
End If"
Thanks In advance
syntax problem and I can't find it.
Can someone help me please ?
"If Not IsNull(Me!DateJour) Then
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE T_RHC SET " _
& "NumSemaine = " & DatePart("ww", Me!DateJour, 2) & ", " _
& "JourSem = " & Format(DatePart("w", Me!DateJour), "dddd") & "
WHERE IDContrat = " _
& Me!IDContrat, dbFailOnError
End If"
Thanks In advance