I've seen posts here and elsewhere which read something along the lines of
"PULLNG MY HAIR OUT!!!!!" or "HELLLLPPP!". Well, I know that kind of
subject line isn't descriptive, but I sure can relate right now. I've been
struggling for days--days!!-- on this one simple query. I really need to
get past this thing and move on. Please help.
I have a classic ASP page, and it gives you 4 dropdowns. You can select any
or none of them. Each of them is built by an ACCESS table. These 4 tables
are union tables; they have just 2 fields: the PK from the master table,
called Personal, and one of the 4 static tables that I call People, Area,
Ability, Gift.
Anyway, when someone selects a value from one or more of the dropdowns, the
next page grabs the values and puts them into variables (strGiftID,
strAbilityID, strAreaID, and strPeopleID). This is where I am running into
problems. If you see my previous threads on this, you'll see lots of
suggestions, and I have tried every one of them.
Here's my current code:
strSQL = "SELECT P.Fname, P.LName, P.PreferredName, P.PersonalID FROM
Personal P "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalGift PG ON P.PersonalID =
PG.PersonalID "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalArea PA ON P.PersonalID =
PA.PersonalID "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalAbility PAB ON P.PersonalID =
PAB.PersonalID "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalPeople PP ON P.PersonalID =
PP.PersonalID "
If strGiftID <> "" Then
strWhere = "GiftID = "&strGiftID&" AND "
End if
If strAreaID <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "AreaID = "&strAreaID&" AND "
End if
If strAbilityID <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "AbilityID = "&strAbilityID&" AND "
End if
If strPeopleID <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "PeopleID = "&strPeopleID&" AND "
End if
If Len(strWhere) > 0 Then
' Remove the last AND
strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 5)
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE " & strWhere
End If
Here's the error:
'P.PersonalID = PG.PersonalID INNER JOIN PersonalArea PA ON P.PersonalID =
PA.PersonalID INNER JOIN PersonalAbility PAB ON P.PersonalID =
PAB.PersonalID INNER JOIN PersonalPeople PP ON P.PersonalID =
/grace/list.asp, line 64
(where line 64 is the line which executes the SQL statement)
Please, please let me know what you see that I am doing wrong.
"PULLNG MY HAIR OUT!!!!!" or "HELLLLPPP!". Well, I know that kind of
subject line isn't descriptive, but I sure can relate right now. I've been
struggling for days--days!!-- on this one simple query. I really need to
get past this thing and move on. Please help.
I have a classic ASP page, and it gives you 4 dropdowns. You can select any
or none of them. Each of them is built by an ACCESS table. These 4 tables
are union tables; they have just 2 fields: the PK from the master table,
called Personal, and one of the 4 static tables that I call People, Area,
Ability, Gift.
Anyway, when someone selects a value from one or more of the dropdowns, the
next page grabs the values and puts them into variables (strGiftID,
strAbilityID, strAreaID, and strPeopleID). This is where I am running into
problems. If you see my previous threads on this, you'll see lots of
suggestions, and I have tried every one of them.
Here's my current code:
strSQL = "SELECT P.Fname, P.LName, P.PreferredName, P.PersonalID FROM
Personal P "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalGift PG ON P.PersonalID =
PG.PersonalID "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalArea PA ON P.PersonalID =
PA.PersonalID "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalAbility PAB ON P.PersonalID =
PAB.PersonalID "
strSQL = strSQL & "INNER JOIN PersonalPeople PP ON P.PersonalID =
PP.PersonalID "
If strGiftID <> "" Then
strWhere = "GiftID = "&strGiftID&" AND "
End if
If strAreaID <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "AreaID = "&strAreaID&" AND "
End if
If strAbilityID <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "AbilityID = "&strAbilityID&" AND "
End if
If strPeopleID <> "" Then
strWhere = strWhere & "PeopleID = "&strPeopleID&" AND "
End if
If Len(strWhere) > 0 Then
' Remove the last AND
strWhere = Left(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 5)
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE " & strWhere
End If
Here's the error:
'P.PersonalID = PG.PersonalID INNER JOIN PersonalArea PA ON P.PersonalID =
PA.PersonalID INNER JOIN PersonalAbility PAB ON P.PersonalID =
PAB.PersonalID INNER JOIN PersonalPeople PP ON P.PersonalID =
/grace/list.asp, line 64
(where line 64 is the line which executes the SQL statement)
Please, please let me know what you see that I am doing wrong.