bird lover
I used Access 2003 on xp professional. On form TIMESPENT I have four
fields., [start],[end],[summary],[running]. I want to calculate time elapsed
when working on a project. The control on the form for [summary] is
=HoursAndMinutes([END]-[START]). Usually I get interrupted with other
matters and have to come back.
My amateur solution" When I double click on [summary] or [running], I want
[running] to equal ([running] + [summary]. Then I want [start] AND [end] to
be nulled. This way if I get interrupted, [running] permanently shows time
elapsed. Then when I return to the record, I click on [start], finish with
[end] and I get the total time in hours and minutes for the two to four times
I return to the project.
I used Access template for time, but it doesn't provide for interruptions.
Suggested syntax would be greatly appreciated. My efforts with running are
fields., [start],[end],[summary],[running]. I want to calculate time elapsed
when working on a project. The control on the form for [summary] is
=HoursAndMinutes([END]-[START]). Usually I get interrupted with other
matters and have to come back.
My amateur solution" When I double click on [summary] or [running], I want
[running] to equal ([running] + [summary]. Then I want [start] AND [end] to
be nulled. This way if I get interrupted, [running] permanently shows time
elapsed. Then when I return to the record, I click on [start], finish with
[end] and I get the total time in hours and minutes for the two to four times
I return to the project.
I used Access template for time, but it doesn't provide for interruptions.
Suggested syntax would be greatly appreciated. My efforts with running are