Jim Tinder
I have a DB that I utilize a standard form to clone all of
the forms in the DB. Each form is assigned a number via a
field on the form. The cloned forms will have identical
event procedures except for one statement in one
procedure. The statement has to do with requerying a
subform (xxx_subform_01, where xxx is the parent form
number). The event procedure for requerying the subform
therefore would be something like:
xxx = [form_number]
What is the required syntax for the second line of the
procedure; i.e. what is the left side of the formula where
xxx a variable?
Jim Tinder
the forms in the DB. Each form is assigned a number via a
field on the form. The cloned forms will have identical
event procedures except for one statement in one
procedure. The statement has to do with requerying a
subform (xxx_subform_01, where xxx is the parent form
number). The event procedure for requerying the subform
therefore would be something like:
xxx = [form_number]
What is the required syntax for the second line of the
procedure; i.e. what is the left side of the formula where
xxx a variable?
Jim Tinder