Michael S.
In a new computer build based on a P4C800-E mobo, I have attempted to update
the BIOS from whatever was resident in the mobo to the newest ver. 1016 and
used the recommended newer ver. 2.07 Afudos installer to no avail (with
afudos.exe and P4CED16.ROM files both on a DOS start-up disk for
WInXP)--booted to DOS and tried a variety of small changes to the syntax and
it will not take the update--cannot find file or does not like the syntax.
For this quasi noob, I would hope that somebody would let me know what
syntax they successfully used to update the BIOS to 1016. The syntax that I
thought was supposed to be used as per directions on page 4-2 of the manual
a:\>afudos /i<P4CED16.ROM>
Suggestions and solutions welcome.
the BIOS from whatever was resident in the mobo to the newest ver. 1016 and
used the recommended newer ver. 2.07 Afudos installer to no avail (with
afudos.exe and P4CED16.ROM files both on a DOS start-up disk for
WInXP)--booted to DOS and tried a variety of small changes to the syntax and
it will not take the update--cannot find file or does not like the syntax.
For this quasi noob, I would hope that somebody would let me know what
syntax they successfully used to update the BIOS to 1016. The syntax that I
thought was supposed to be used as per directions on page 4-2 of the manual
a:\>afudos /i<P4CED16.ROM>
Suggestions and solutions welcome.