I want to pass variables instead of specific report names but can't seem to
get it to work.
This Works:
Set objRpt = .Reports!DB1_rpt3_control_totals
How can I replace "DB!_rpt3_control_totals" with a variable, "strReportName"?
This Does not work:
Set objRpt = .Reports! & """ strReportName """
I am havng troulble finding the correct syntax with the syntax.
Thank You
get it to work.
This Works:
Set objRpt = .Reports!DB1_rpt3_control_totals
How can I replace "DB!_rpt3_control_totals" with a variable, "strReportName"?
This Does not work:
Set objRpt = .Reports! & """ strReportName """
I am havng troulble finding the correct syntax with the syntax.
Thank You