Syntax for entering same statement as a reply

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Using Outlook 2007 on XP OS.
I'm new to Outlook macros and so tried to use my Word 2007 macro (see
following) as a standard reply to certain inquiries and it wont run. Once I
figure this one out, I'll be building about 10 other responses. Thanx for
any help.

sub MDLV_SST()
' MDLV_SST Macro
Selection.TypeText Text:="The major you have chosen, middle-level social
studies education, is currently in the curricular approval process. We
cannot guarantee that this major will be available by the time classes start
in fall 2010. As a result, we have placed you in secondary-level social
studies education. Please contact us with any questions or concerns."

End Sub
Selection in this usage is a Word object, not an Outlook object. Therefore,
what you need is a way to get from the open Outlook message to a
Word.Selection object. That mechanism is the WordEditor property of the
Outlook Inspector window, which returns a Word.Document object. The article
shows how to You need to change your code so that a Selection object is
derived from the actual Outlook item that you want to modify.

You can also use the new Quick Parts feature in Office 2007 to save and
insert boilerplate text. You can look up Quick Parts in Outlook 2007 Help;
also see!C1013F1F9A99E3D8!158.entry
Thanx so much. Works for me.

Sue Mosher said:
Selection in this usage is a Word object, not an Outlook object. Therefore,
what you need is a way to get from the open Outlook message to a
Word.Selection object. That mechanism is the WordEditor property of the
Outlook Inspector window, which returns a Word.Document object. The article
shows how to You need to change your code so that a Selection object is
derived from the actual Outlook item that you want to modify.

You can also use the new Quick Parts feature in Office 2007 to save and
insert boilerplate text. You can look up Quick Parts in Outlook 2007 Help;
also see!C1013F1F9A99E3D8!158.entry
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
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