I have a main form (Exhibitors) and subform (ExhibitorsBooths) when I add
a booth for an exhibitor that is going to the current show I get the
following error
"Syntax Error or Access Violation" The booth DOES get added and the column
with in the ExhibitorShowBooths table looks fine. There are basically 3
tables involved
Exhibitors, ExhibitorsShows and ExhibitorShowBooths. An Exhibitor can go to
more then one show and an Exhibitor can have more then one booth at a show.
I have the subform_booth link child fields and link master fields is set to
The main form RecordSource is set as follows:
strSQL = "SELECT E.ExhibitorID, E.ExhibitorShortName, E.ExhibitorName,
..Notes, " & _
"E.ProductDescription, E.DivisionID, E.ShowCategories ,
E.NewExhibitor, " & _
"ES.ExhibitorShowID " & _
"FROM Exhibitors E LEFT OUTER JOIN " & _
"ExhibitorsShows ES ON E.ExhibitorID = ES.ExhibitorID " & _
"WHERE (E.showCategories = " & "'" & pubShowCategory & "' " & _
"OR E.ShowCategories = 3) " & _
"ORDER BY ExhibitorShortName "
Form_Frm_Exhibitor.RecordSource = strSQL
The subForm RecordSource is set as follows:
strSQL = "SELECT ES.ShowId, ES.ExhibitorID, ESB.ExhibitorShowID,
ESB.BoothName " & _
"FROM ExhibitorsShows ES " & _
"INNER JOIN ExhibitorShowBooths ESB ON ES.ExhibitorShowID =
ESB.ExhibitorShowID " & _
"ORDER BY BoothName"
Form_subfrm_ExhibitorBooths.RecordSource = strSQL
Any ideas on why the error message appears, even though the data looks fine?
there a way to prevent the message from appearing? I did try
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Or maybe I need to add/change something to make access happy
Any help would be greatly appreciated
a booth for an exhibitor that is going to the current show I get the
following error
"Syntax Error or Access Violation" The booth DOES get added and the column
with in the ExhibitorShowBooths table looks fine. There are basically 3
tables involved
Exhibitors, ExhibitorsShows and ExhibitorShowBooths. An Exhibitor can go to
more then one show and an Exhibitor can have more then one booth at a show.
I have the subform_booth link child fields and link master fields is set to
The main form RecordSource is set as follows:
strSQL = "SELECT E.ExhibitorID, E.ExhibitorShortName, E.ExhibitorName,
..Notes, " & _
"E.ProductDescription, E.DivisionID, E.ShowCategories ,
E.NewExhibitor, " & _
"ES.ExhibitorShowID " & _
"FROM Exhibitors E LEFT OUTER JOIN " & _
"ExhibitorsShows ES ON E.ExhibitorID = ES.ExhibitorID " & _
"WHERE (E.showCategories = " & "'" & pubShowCategory & "' " & _
"OR E.ShowCategories = 3) " & _
"ORDER BY ExhibitorShortName "
Form_Frm_Exhibitor.RecordSource = strSQL
The subForm RecordSource is set as follows:
strSQL = "SELECT ES.ShowId, ES.ExhibitorID, ESB.ExhibitorShowID,
ESB.BoothName " & _
"FROM ExhibitorsShows ES " & _
"INNER JOIN ExhibitorShowBooths ESB ON ES.ExhibitorShowID =
ESB.ExhibitorShowID " & _
"ORDER BY BoothName"
Form_subfrm_ExhibitorBooths.RecordSource = strSQL
Any ideas on why the error message appears, even though the data looks fine?
there a way to prevent the message from appearing? I did try
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Or maybe I need to add/change something to make access happy

Any help would be greatly appreciated