
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score

Just wondering, there used to be a great game i played when i was younger, syndicate. Has actual stories etc, not just mindless shooting etc. Any games out there with a proper story? Half life was pretty good, but the bugs annoyed me. Just wanna play a game where you can sneak around a real life type scenario and kill people! lol.

I hope that last sentance isn't too telling of your personality ;) Grand Theft Auto sounds like the sort of game you are after - I think GTA1 and 2 are free now too (a bit old though).
Sweet, cheers Ian.

If you havn't played syndicate you should give it a go, for it's time it was amazing. I have a horrible feeling that if i play it now it might ruin my memories!! lol.
speaking of an old game, has anyone played 'Grim Fandango'? :D
some times going back to the old games are a little hard.... as a young gun it was new... but as the years pass older games just dont play like they used to.
I have an old MAC system from the mid 90's in the shed which I'm going to pull out next weekend and see if I can get it running again.

The games on that were so much FUN!

They were tiny 2mb arcade games, but they were so imaginative and brilliant!

Hope I can get it running. I hsould think after 8 yars of cold, damp storage it probably is buggered :(