Just installed 64-bit Vista and decided that SyncToy would have better
configurability than "offline folders". Downloaded SyncToy v1.4 and it won't
run!! ;-(. Looks like it is failing with a System.BadImageFormatException.
This problem reproduces on both my 64-bit Vista machines.
Faulting call stack (in case anybody can do something about it) is as follows.
0:000> k
Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00000000`002fe660 00000642`7f49493b KERNEL32!RaiseException+0x58
00000000`002fe730 00000642`7f653e73
00000000`002fe7f0 00000642`7f885621
00000000`002fe850 00000642`7f66c3d7 mscorwks!`string'+0x88e41
00000000`002fe940 00000642`80157daf mscorwks!ThePreStubAMD64+0x87
00000000`002fea10 00000642`80157cd3
00000000`002fea90 00000642`80150dc2
SqmManagedWrapper!SyncToy.Sqm.SqmSession..ctor(System.String, UInt32)+0x63
00000000`002fead0 00000642`8015090e
00000000`002feb30 00000642`7f66c5e2
00000000`002febb0 00000642`7f5855f5 mscorwks!CallDescrWorker+0x82
00000000`002fec00 00000642`7f570e76 mscorwks!CallDescrWorkerWithHandler+0xe5
00000000`002feca0 00000642`7f48aef6 mscorwks!MethodDesc::CallDescr+0x306
00000000`002feed0 00000642`7f466798 mscorwks!ClassLoader::RunMain+0x2a6
00000000`002ff130 00000642`7f4972a3 mscorwks!Assembly::ExecuteMainMethod+0xbc
00000000`002ff420 00000642`7f456d1b
00000000`002ff9f0 00000642`7f456fbc mscorwks!ExecuteEXE+0x47
00000000`002ffa40 00000642`7ee6db3e mscorwks!CorExeMain+0xac
00000000`002ffa90 00000000`776fcdcd mscoree!CorExeMain+0x3e
00000000`002ffac0 00000000`7784c6e1 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd
00000000`002ffaf0 00000000`00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x21
0:000> !do 00000000`10c2a0c8
Name: System.BadImageFormatException
MethodTable: 0000064278825088
EEClass: 0000064278938388
Size: 152(0x98) bytes
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr
Value Name
000006427881edb8 40000b5 8 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _className
0000064278852e50 40000b6 10 ...ection.MethodBase 0 instance
0000000000000000 _exceptionMethod
000006427881edb8 40000b7 18 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _exceptionMethodString
000006427881edb8 40000b8 20 System.String 0 instance
0000000010c47398 _message
0000064278844280 40000b9 28 ...tions.IDictionary 0 instance
0000000000000000 _data
000006427881ffd0 40000ba 30 System.Exception 0 instance
0000000000000000 _innerException
000006427881edb8 40000bb 38 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _helpURL
000006427881d270 40000bc 40 System.Object 0 instance
0000000010c47540 _stackTrace
000006427881edb8 40000bd 48 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _stackTraceString
000006427881edb8 40000be 50 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _remoteStackTraceString
000006427882b328 40000bf 70 System.Int32 0 instance
0 _remoteStackIndex
000006427881d270 40000c0 58 System.Object 0 instance
0000000000000000 _dynamicMethods
000006427882b328 40000c1 74 System.Int32 0 instance
-2147024885 _HResult
000006427881edb8 40000c2 60 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _source
000006427882b808 40000c3 68 System.IntPtr 0 instance
0 _xptrs
000006427882b328 40000c4 78 System.Int32 0 instance
-532459699 _xcode
000006427881edb8 4000202 80 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _fileName
000006427881edb8 4000203 88 System.String 0 instance
0000000000000000 _fusionLog
Kirsty said:
I am in the same boat. Any answer to the issue of running synctoy on 64 bit???
I love synctoy however I just downloaded 1.4 and it will not run on XP x64.
1.2 worked great. I know this is not a supported product but you you please
fix it?