Syncronize Textbox on form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stockwell43
  • Start date Start date



I was wondering if it was possible to syncronize a textbox on a form to the
record selector on the bottom of the form. I want the user to enter the
current record number in the textbox. However, I want to syncronize it
because at times, records are deleted so I want to make sure that if the
current record number is inputted in the textbox as records get deleted, that
number in the textbox will stay with that record number in the record
selector on the bottom of the form.

Why do you want to do this? I can think of no useful purpose for this. In
Access, the record number you see displayed has only one meaning. It shows a
number based on the current recordset. If you add a record, delete a record,
filter the form, or change the order of the recordset, the numbers will
What it actually shows is the AbsolutePosition property of the form's
What I was asked to do was to place the record number in a report so when the
managers pull the report and see a duplicate record because the users weren't
paying attention, they want to be able to enter the record number on the
bottom and hit enter to automatically go to that record. In other words, it
would be easier and faster than looking it up by last name. I thought if it
were syncronized, even if records are deleted, the number in the textbox
would stay with whatever the new record number is after deletion or adding. I
suppose I can just place the textbox on the form and have them enter a number
and use the search box. They were just looking to save a step. Any other
