Syncronize sub forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacob
  • Start date Start date


I have a sub form on a main form. When I navigate through the Main forms
records, the subform does not keep up. Is there a way of synchronizing the 2
forms so that when you navigate through the main form, the sub form records
are in sync?
Jennifer, that is it. However, the problem lies in that the subform is not
bound. I have the subform set to show different subforms depending on the
type of data you would like to see. Let see....

Main form shows equipment data.
Subform1 may show expenses put in to that piece of equipment
Subform2 may show the equipment status.
And so on.

I hope this helps you to see what I am trying to do. There is just a lot of
information per piece of equipment so I need to split it up off of one form
in to many. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I originally had it set up that way Jennifer. (grins) The problem is that
there was too much data to bring up on a single form. Which means when I
loaded the form, it was loading significantly slower than the other forms.
So I am attempting to reduce the amount of data that is loaded at a given
time. In other, only selecting the data that the individual user needs to
see opposed to loading everything whether or not they need to see it, or are
allowed. I also have security set up to keep certain users from seeing
certain parts of the equipment data. So using tabs or sub forms are my best
way, I feel. hehe, (grin).