Richard Kucia
I want to synchronize data files in both directions. I'm using ActiveSync
3.7.1. I can't figure out how to do this from the documentation (which gives
new meaning to the word "skimpy").
1) Are there predefined folders I must use?
2) Do I need to tell ActiveSync about the folders or the file types?
3) What's the relationship, if any, between the source folder and the target
4) Can I designate the full folder paths for source and target, or must they
always be sub-folders of some magic name?
5) The content is XML text; do I need to do anything with these
6) ActiveSync seems irregular -- the PDA is named "Dell" but the PC side
always thinks it's PPC2 (which was an older name I created) or Guest.
ActiveSync on the PDA always reports that it's in the "connecting" state,
even though I can push files through the link. I can't prove it, but I seem
to recall that this odd state began with 3.7.1. Should I uninstall it and
install some other version?
Somewhat related question: I associated the app's extension (.tda) on the PC
with the software package. Can I also set this associated on the PDA, using
Visual Studio deployment?
Richard Kucia
3.7.1. I can't figure out how to do this from the documentation (which gives
new meaning to the word "skimpy").
1) Are there predefined folders I must use?
2) Do I need to tell ActiveSync about the folders or the file types?
3) What's the relationship, if any, between the source folder and the target
4) Can I designate the full folder paths for source and target, or must they
always be sub-folders of some magic name?
5) The content is XML text; do I need to do anything with these
6) ActiveSync seems irregular -- the PDA is named "Dell" but the PC side
always thinks it's PPC2 (which was an older name I created) or Guest.
ActiveSync on the PDA always reports that it's in the "connecting" state,
even though I can push files through the link. I can't prove it, but I seem
to recall that this odd state began with 3.7.1. Should I uninstall it and
install some other version?
Somewhat related question: I associated the app's extension (.tda) on the PC
with the software package. Can I also set this associated on the PDA, using
Visual Studio deployment?
Richard Kucia