Any suggestions on getting the colors that print in synch with with colors
that appear on the display? As it is, I can get something as I want it on
the display, but it doesn't matter because it's very different when it prints
(eg darker).
I've played around with Printing Preferences - color management,
brighness, saturation, etc - but this doesn't do it and it sure is
cumbersome. I'd like to adjust the printer (HP Photosmart 3180) through the
device (if it can be adjusted) or the printer software, rather than adjust
each file before I print it.
that appear on the display? As it is, I can get something as I want it on
the display, but it doesn't matter because it's very different when it prints
(eg darker).
I've played around with Printing Preferences - color management,
brighness, saturation, etc - but this doesn't do it and it sure is
cumbersome. I'd like to adjust the printer (HP Photosmart 3180) through the
device (if it can be adjusted) or the printer software, rather than adjust
each file before I print it.