synchronize folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter giannis wired
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giannis wired

i have 2000 domain and all users have roaming profiles w2k
Suddenly when a user log off a window pop up and a
synchronize begin in folder where the profiles are.

how can i stop that and how this synchronization was enable
without i change anything

thank you
Hi - see my reply in - if you need to post to
multiple groups, it's best to do so all at once in a single message
(separate the NG names with commas) so that everyone can follow the thread.
A lot of people subscribe to multiple groups, and this way you won't be
asking anyone to reproduce someone else's work, and everyone can benefit.

Crossposting = posting once to several newsgroups within a single message.
This is not a Bad Thing (presuming the list of groups posted to is small,
and all the groups are truly relevant to your question)

Multiposting = posting separate, identical posts to several newsgroups. This
is a Bad Thing. :-)

See and
I would like to thank you for your answer and you have
right about many posting with tha same subject but i didnt
know what excatlcy was so to post it in the right part
anyway sory and thank you again
No problem - hope my suggestion as to fixing the problem helped. Post back
if it didn't... :-)