I've been using SyncToy to sync photos on two computers over a WAN with
relative success. The intelligent renaming and moving seems a bonus over many
similar products. The main problem I'm having is if the connection is lost
during the analyse stage it gets very confused. It can either think it needs
to add files that have in fact been deleted or worst delete files that it
should be adding (I suspect it depends on what the last action was before the
connection failed). When used in conjunction with a schedule this has been
causing all manner of problems.
Has anyone else had a similar problem, can it be fixed?
relative success. The intelligent renaming and moving seems a bonus over many
similar products. The main problem I'm having is if the connection is lost
during the analyse stage it gets very confused. It can either think it needs
to add files that have in fact been deleted or worst delete files that it
should be adding (I suspect it depends on what the last action was before the
connection failed). When used in conjunction with a schedule this has been
causing all manner of problems.
Has anyone else had a similar problem, can it be fixed?