synchronise pocket pc with outlook



I've been with palm and outlook express all my life. Just switched to pocket
pc and outlook. Problem here - I can't seem to download my outlook inbox
messages from my laptop into my ppc during Activesync (off line). I must be
missing a step here. Pls help

Brian Tillman

ppc newbie said:
I've been with palm and outlook express all my life. Just switched to
pocket pc and outlook. Problem here - I can't seem to download my
outlook inbox messages from my laptop into my ppc during Activesync
(off line). I must be missing a step here. Pls help

You're also missing including enough information to help you. State your
Outlook version, ActiveSync version, account type, and sync options in


Brian Tillman said:
You're also missing including enough information to help you. State your
Outlook version, ActiveSync version, account type, and sync options in
Hi Brian,
I'm using Outlook 2000, ActiveSync 3.8, Guest. In options, I've checked the
boxes for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Inbox, Notes, Files and Avantgo. Also
unchecked the box for 'Enable synchronisation with server' (this probably is
not the problem as I've tried checking and unchecking this box before sync
and to no effect). Thanks


Brian Tillman

Gary said:
I'm using Outlook 2000, ActiveSync 3.8, Guest.

I think this last is your problem. The Guest partnership cannot
synchronize. You must create a partnership what matches your PDA's name in
order to sync. This is all in ActiveSync's Help. You should read it

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