Pete said:
So it looks like I have to scratch the idea, at least until I can find
an FTP client that preserves a file's time and date during upload to the
FTP site.
Alas, the problem seems to be with FTP servers, rather than clients.
I've done some more googling and testing, and it appears that there is a
command that can be sent to an FTP server to change a file's date and
time stamp, but many FTP servers do not handle this command.
If this command is not available, there's no way to preserve the PC's
date and time stamp on the uploaded file.
Interestingly, it appears that some FTP clients "ask" the FTP server
which commands they have available, and these clients will then
automatically use this command if possible. Sadly, my particular FTP
server (which uses "Pure-FTPd[TLS]") seems to say tell the client that
it supports the command, but the command fails when the client tries to
use it.
Regards, Peter