Synching a PC with NAS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nigel Molesworth
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Nigel Molesworth

I've got a Network Storage Device that I'd like to keep up to date
with documents and other files on a dedicated drive on my PC.

I know that Sync Centre doesn't recognise the device, so I wondered
about a batch file run daily by Task Scheduler.

Is this possible, and can someone remind me of the DOS commands to
make it copy all subfolders, and overwrite any existing files?
The old DOS command was XCOPY, ROBOCOPY is the Vista equivalent. Use ROBOCOPY
to copy from 'machine location' to 'backup location' with /mir to mirror the
directory structure, creating and deleteing files and directories to keep the
two locations in sync. So many options available on top of that so look at it
with '/?' for more detail.
The old DOS command was XCOPY, ROBOCOPY is the Vista equivalent.

Thanks, I didn't even know RoboCopy existed! I tried using:

robocopy M:\ N:\ /MIR /XO /XA:[H]

to copy from the M: drive to my N: drive,
/MIR mirror the directory tree
/XO exclude older files
/XA:[H] exclude [Hidden]

The idea of the last switch is to ignore the Recycle Bin, but RoboCopy
doesn't like this if you use /MIR

Any suggestions?
I tried using:
robocopy M:\ N:\ /MIR /XO /XA:[H]

I've got in a mess now! I managed to get it to run with just /MIR, but
it seemed to be creating loads of strange directories on the
destination so I stopped it and deleted them all.

Now when I run it, with no switches, I get:

ERROR 5 Changing File Attributes M:\ (the source)
Access is denied.

I'd rather not changed the attributes anyway (presumably the A bit).

Any thoughts?
I have been using robocopy with /mir with no problems. The only other
switches were just to cut down on retries.
I am mirroring 30000 odd files in god knows how many folders organised by
Itunes and it works well. Why not try mirroring something smaller and try the
different options before commiting to a full drive?
I am mirroring a drive mapped from an XP machine (offline enabled) to an
external disk drive and it seems to work perfectly, so persevere.

Nigel Molesworth said:
I tried using:
robocopy M:\ N:\ /MIR /XO /XA:[H]

I've got in a mess now! I managed to get it to run with just /MIR, but
it seemed to be creating loads of strange directories on the
destination so I stopped it and deleted them all.

Now when I run it, with no switches, I get:

ERROR 5 Changing File Attributes M:\ (the source)
Access is denied.

I'd rather not changed the attributes anyway (presumably the A bit).

Any thoughts?
Nigel Molesworth,

I'm sorry you're experiencing trouble. If you are using a Samba-based NAS
- Contact the manufacturer for a firmware upgrade to use version 3.0.23 or
- Follow manufacturer's instructions for enabling NTLMv2 through their
configuration interface

Please post back with results.

Nigel Molesworth said:
I tried using:
robocopy M:\ N:\ /MIR /XO /XA:[H]

I've got in a mess now! I managed to get it to run with just /MIR, but
it seemed to be creating loads of strange directories on the
destination so I stopped it and deleted them all.

Now when I run it, with no switches, I get:

ERROR 5 Changing File Attributes M:\ (the source)
Access is denied.

I'd rather not changed the attributes anyway (presumably the A bit).

Any thoughts?