Thanks for the info but I think you are wrong. Servers do not syncronize
they store data at a central location. Clients syncronize. They can sync
to a server or to each other. Goldmine, ACT, etc.. .all contact manager
clients all have syncronization built in to them.
It would make sense if I considered Outlook to be only an "Exchange client"
as opposed to an email client / contact manager. But since it comes with MS
Office and not exchange it would lead me to belive its more then just a
client to exchange.
The reason they don't have this feature is to encourage people to use
Exchange Server not because it doesn't belong there.
All though I didn't get the answer I wanted thank you for telling me what I
need to do to have it work they way I need want.
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
You have already pinpointed the reason that the software has no builtin
method for synching - it is the Outlook CLIENT, not a server. Servers
synch, not clients. Right now, third party solutions such as those listed
before are the only methods to sync the client without a server involved.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Bob asked:
| Sorry I didn't mean the software was "garbage" I meant that it
| doesn't make sense that synchronizing two outlook clients would
| require extra software. I would think this is something that would be
| included in any contact manger / calendaring application as a
| requirement.
| In addition most 3rd party addons that I tried for outlook have
| caused it to crash or just slow it down to a craw.
| Outlook crashes and locks up on its own frequently enough I don't
| need to add another layer to that madness.
| Thanks for the suggestions.
| || Hi Bob,
|| thank you for the compliment. Also our software is in the list of
|| "garbage" and also Microsoft published a lot of this tools on this
|| websites:
||| What is the best way to keep the calandar and contacts on these 3
||| computers synchronized?
|| You asked for a synchronization software. I would share your Outlook
|| in your local network and I only would sync the Notebook for an
|| offline access.
|| Sharing solutions are on this "garbage" site:
|| and there are also some tools on the Office Marketplace site.
||| If I isntalled Exchange server just to sync this stuff
|| Exchange share this stuff and synchronize only if you activate the
|| "Cache mode", but I think you will now how to configure an Exchange
|| server.
|| --
|| Oliver Vukovics
|| Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
|| Freeware for Outlook: Public Mail 2 Contact
|| ||| That list is garbage. Isn't there anything new in 2k7 to make this
||| easier?
||| If I isntalled Exchange server just to sync this stuff will I still
||| be able to add pop3 & Imap4 accounts or does it put it in a mode
||| where you can only have one exchange account?
||| Thanks for any tips.
||| |||| Hi Bob,
|||| for synchronization tools have a look on this site:
|||| Maybe it helps:
|||| --
|||| Oliver Vukovics
|||| Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
|||| Synchronisation for Notebooks: Public SyncTool
|||| ||||| I use outlook 2007 on 2 work computers and 1 home computer. I
||||| don't use exchange server only an ISP pop3 server for mail. What
||||| is the best way to keep the calandar and contacts on these 3
||||| computers synchronized?
||||| Bob