sync combox boxes

  • Thread starter Thread starter tonkaplayer
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I have seen this question for older versions and for use on forms, let me
throw my twist into this. I have a table called student list with lname,
first name, grade, student id. I have a second table that records student
parking stickers and parking violations called action list. there are linked
by a one to many relationship by student id. I created a simple form from
studnet list that shows the fields for the action file table below it. My use
will enter data directly to the fiedls there not thru a form. (he likes
that). My question when I ge to the filed make I would like to select Ford,
Chevy etc. then have the Model filed only show the appropriate models. Can I
do this directly in the table design mode? I do not want a form or query if
possible. Also I assume I will need to creat a new table with make model in
it? Thank you hope I am clear.
Access is not a spreadsheet.

If your user is entering data directly in the tables, your application has
NO control over what s/he can do to the data.

If your user is so hung up on spreadsheets, you could create a form that
looks like a spreadsheet table, and gain the benefit of all the events and
validation you can (only) do via forms.

If you wish to provide the kind of cascading comboboxes you are describing,
you can ONLY do that via forms... it simply isn't available directly in the

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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Can I do this directly in the table design mode?

I do not want a form or query if possible.

"I have a car, but I do not want to use the transmission or the steering gear
if possible, just the engine".

Queries are the backbone of any relational database application. Forms are the
user interface for working with data. you can use a Datasheet view form, or a
continuous form made to look like a datasheet, if your user prefers that look,
but Tables simply don't have any usable events for this purpose. They are
designed for data storage, not for data interaction.