I believe I inadvertantly posted this question to the wrong newsgroup a few
hours earlier, because I haven't seen it posted here and I know that it
usually doesn't take very long. So if I did, I apologize.
I was given a chart to do in which one of the symbols was an "I"
superimposed over an "O." I believe this is a math or engineering symbol. I
couldn't find anything that looked like it on my computer. Do you know what
it is or how I could duplicate it in Word? Is there absolutely no way to
type one letter over another?
I've got a feeling I'm going to feel stupid when I hear from you!
Thanks so much.
hours earlier, because I haven't seen it posted here and I know that it
usually doesn't take very long. So if I did, I apologize.
I was given a chart to do in which one of the symbols was an "I"
superimposed over an "O." I believe this is a math or engineering symbol. I
couldn't find anything that looked like it on my computer. Do you know what
it is or how I could duplicate it in Word? Is there absolutely no way to
type one letter over another?
I've got a feeling I'm going to feel stupid when I hear from you!
Thanks so much.