Symbol's first MAJOR headache

  • Thread starter Thread starter jez
  • Start date Start date


I knew it wouldn't last.. I just knew it.

Ok, so I released my app to the Symbol PPC. I can use it whilst it's in
"release mode". When I click on the blue "stop" button the application
naturally stops. All good till here.

But then.. when I want to run the application again (straight away from the
PPC by clicking in File Explorer on my app) it just doesn't work. After
clicking a couple of times (about ten, or maybe twenty) I get the following
error : "Cannot find 'pdaProject' (or one of its components). Make sure the
path and filename are correct and all the required libraries are available'.
Obviously the path can't be incorrect because it's just there, lying in
front of my eyes.

Perhaps even more interesting : The same happens with any other file in that
directory but also any other application in the PPC. What's going on here?
If I do a soft reset I manage to start the application once. When I exit the
application (by using the this.Close() ) - I can't restart the application
and the same scenario starts again...

Help? Anyone? Any advice?

After you close the app, select start->settings->system->memory->running
programs to see if there are any remnants or other forms still running,
other than that I 'd say you should have opted for Intermec 700, but then
I'm just biased :p

I'm developing on symbol's ppc too, but had no problems with them, sorry,
looks like you're doing something wrong, maybe you can try update the hexes.

I had a similar problem that turned out to be because I was using wasn't
calling dispose on Symbol classes in the form.closing event.
Hi all,

sorry for the late reply. I put this.Dispose() before doing
this.Close() but doesn't do much. The app still refuses to run for a
second time once it has been released.

I also checked in running programs - no trace of the form.

What could be going wrong here?
I know I can just release an app on my XDA and run it a billion times
once it has been released, so I'm not really doing anything wrong in
the process or am I ?

thanks for the help

Ok, assuming you can be unbiased, can you try to help me out?:)

After closing the form with this.Close() the form is indeed closed (no
trace in the "running programs") however, it seems like the
application is STILL open. Basically if I debug the application and I
exit the application it's effectively closed on the PDA (no trace in
running progs) but VS.Net is still in debug mode.

The best way to see that is when I get a WebException when I start my
app. If I get that exception I automatically exit the application
(using this.Close()). The app is exitted but in VS.Net I can still
click on F11 and get to the next line of my application. For instance,
I have xml files that are read into the application in debug mode even
though the application was exitted and there's no trace in running

What's going on here?!
Well, my problem was that I was using Symbol.Audio.Controller and wasn't
disposing of it. So, maybe a hardware driver or something was still open and
not allowing the new instance to access it (just guessing here). Here's an
Symbol.Audio.Controller audio = new Symbol.Audio.StandardAudio(MyDevice);
audio.PlayAudio(250, 440);
if (audio != null) {
// Dispose managed resources.
audio = null;

If you're just using the Symbol.Barcode.Reader, the examples that come with
Symbol's sdk already show how to dispose of it. Good luck.

I had a look in my program. I dispose of the Barcode reader instances
before exiting, I also dispose of the form. Is there anything else
that I could have missed out ?

Here's the code i use :
//if there is a reader
if (this.barcodeReader != null)
//disable the reader

//free it up

//indicate we no longer have one
this.barcodeReader = null;

//if we have a reader data
if (this.barcodeReaderData != null)
//free it up

//indicate we no longer have data
this.barcodeReaderData = null;

and to dispose of the form :


I even tried the Application.Exit() method.. same result. I must be
doing something wrong! Same error on another PPC (Qtek, has no wifi
and no barcode scanner) - any idea ?
The code you showed looks fine to me. If I were you I'd write a very very
simple hello world program and see if that works correctly. If it does, then
to narrow it down, go back to the other program and start commenting out and
running the code until it works as expected. And soft reset between the
tests that fail.
It seems like I didn't dispose the Symbol radio instance I created. By
doing so my app seems to be working ok on a QTek and on the emulator.
Unfortunately I had to give back the Symbol PPC's this morning as I
only had them for a two-week period to try them out. I'll get another
one in about a week time so will actually be able to see whether it
works on the Symbol PPC as well. Please check this thread back in 10
days. Thanks for your help