Symbol over RESUME

Oct 11, 2010
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I see a thread on this topic but I still can't figure this out. Could somebody please walk me through how to do this, step-by-step. I'm 60 and haven't been on computer until I started school. I need to correctly spell resume. (As in document submitted for a job), not the word resume (that means continue).

I have Windows XP.

Thank you so much.
Little Old Lady Starting Life Over
Welcome to the forums :)

Getting the é symbol is easy once you know how - a sure fire way to get it working in any application is to do the following.

Hold down the ALT key and type the number 130 on the number pad at the same time. Once you've done this, the letter é should appear.
Hi and welcome to the forum

When you say you need to spell it correctly, we will take that in that you mean with an "e" that looks like this " é " ?

Are you using Microsoft Word to write up your résumé ? What font are you typing the résumé with ?

1. Click START
2. Click All Programs
3. Click Accerrories
4. Click System Tools
5. Click Character Map

Once you have "Chracter MAp open, Select which font you will be using in MS Word and scroll down till you find the " é " . Once you have found the character you wish to use. Clcik on it and click select. Once you have clicked select, click copy.
Now go back to your résumé in MS Word, and hold down Ctrl + V and the " é " you wanted will appear. Job done
Ian Cunningham said:
Hold down the ALT key and type the number 130 on the number pad at the same time. Once you've done this, the letter é should appear.

DOH! Wish I had seen that after the long drawn out post I just made. Although both will help in the future I am sure :D
Hi cmgpanthers and welcome to the forum.

Why is it some of my peers assume they're over the hill/suddenly turn stupid/geriatric/completely bozos just because they reach a certain age?

In 1736 60 was indeed old.

In 2010 it's just another waypost in life's journey and it ain't old.

Not unless you want it to be old of course.

With a little luck all 60 year olds in this day and age have at least another twenty years of being outrageous and hopefully another 40 years. At least :)
Thank you so much!!! I appreciate the help. Not too savvy at this stuff yet and its nice to know I can get answers from somebody. :D
Wait, one more question. If I'm typing an email in Yahoo am I able to insert the symbol as well or do I need to copy and paste from Word?
welcome to PCReview

cmgpanthers said:
Wait, one more question. If I'm typing an email in Yahoo am I able to insert the symbol as well or do I need to copy and paste from Word?
I dunno, can you?

try it ;)

... another young person here :wave:
Don't think you can do it directly in Yahoo so, yes, do it in Word and copy and paste. :thumb:

Another way to get the e acute in Word is to go into Insert then into Symbols and there it is right in front of you.
cmgpanthers said:
Wait, one more question. If I'm typing an email in Yahoo am I able to insert the symbol as well or do I need to copy and paste from Word?

CMG you can do it either my way or Ian's way in Yahoo, no problem :thumb:
nivrip said:
Don't think you can do it directly in Yahoo so, yes, do it in Word and copy and paste. :thumb:

I stand corrected. Ian's suggestion is the way to do it. :o