Andy wrote on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:39:19 +0100:
AP> The chart does not automatically pick up the font
AP> attributes from the cells. So you will have to apply the
AP> formatting yourself. Double click the axis and via the Font
AP> tab of the Format dialog set the Font to Symbol.
AP> Cheers
AP> Andy
AP> Khoshravan wrote:
??>> I use symbol font in spread sheet (alpha, beta, ...), and
??>> then make a chart based on them but in chart they don not
??>> appear as symbol font. They are read "a", "b". How can I
??>> solve to read greece alphabets in charts?
I'm not quite sure what is meant here since I did the experiment
of changing a series column heading on the spread sheet to a set
of Greek letters using Arial Unicode Hex Symbols. They appeared
in the chart legend for an XY plot without problems. Is the
problem that Symbol Font does not have Unicode symbols?
James Silverton.