Hi, I found a code that uses the symbol # after some numbers, what is the
function of this?
This is part of the code
If N < 2 Or beta <= 0# Or beta >= 1# Or Alpha <= 0# Or Alpha >= 1# Then
Tol2 = CDbl(CVErr(xlErrValue))
Exit Function
End If
c = 1# / Sqr(2# * 3.14159265358979)
function of this?
This is part of the code
If N < 2 Or beta <= 0# Or beta >= 1# Or Alpha <= 0# Or Alpha >= 1# Then
Tol2 = CDbl(CVErr(xlErrValue))
Exit Function
End If
c = 1# / Sqr(2# * 3.14159265358979)