Symantec/Windows Security Centre conflict



Recently when I log onto my desktop, I get a Norton msg saying my Antivrus is
disabled & my computer is at risk. Sure enough the AV icon in the taskbar has
an X thru it - when I right click & enable the auto protect the Norton msg
goes away. I have also noticed that Windows Security center shows my AV
protection as being off when it is on, casuing more msgs to pop up when I am
in the middle of doing something - very annoying!! I think maybe there is a
conflict between Norton Systemworks & Windows Security Center - has anyone
else come across this, if so how did you resolve it?? I cannot find anything
in Symantec or in Windows support to address this.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


If your subscription to Norton is almost up, dump the crap and load AVG
'free version' anti-virus software onto your computer.. it updates daily if
updates are available, and takes way less resource than anything Norton or
McAfee in it's 2005 guise..

A better idea.. dump Norton anyway and install AVG..

Scroll to the base of the page, and click on the .exe file name


I assume you are not a fan of Norton/Symantec Products?? Up to now I have
been quite happy with the performance of Norton Systemworks products - it has
only been recently that I have had this problem.
I have a young child who uses the computer and I want to make sure that they
are safe while online - hence the Systemworks package.
Any other suggestions as to what would have caused this conflict??

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Me a fan of Norton Anything?.. drop me an e-mail when hell starts to freeze
over and I may have a change of heart.. until that time, a definite no-no to

Protecting your child would be better achieved using Norton Internet
Security 2005 which has parental control features.. then again, any decent
firewall and anti-virus program would do what Norton does without slowing
your computer.. the best Norton product is Ghost, but that is because they
bought it as a working program developed by somebody else.. unfortunately,
your version of Norton Anything doesn't include Ghost..

Re. the conflict. Norton has probably caused it.. either that or a virus has
gotten in through the back door.. the best people to ask are the originators
of Norton.. you may want to re-install it, assuming of course that you can
first uninstall.. again, Norton know best when it comes to extricating their
program from the body of XP..

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