symantec security alert



How do I stop the alert "virus protection is out of date" keeps popping up i
tried to stop alert from norton i cant afford to get a new subscription right
now pls help

Ted Zieglar

The only way to stop the alert is to uninstall the software. If you're not
updating it, it's of no value anyway.

Not updating your virus definitions is penny wise and pound foolish. It's
just a matter of time before your computer becomes infected, and repairing
an unprotected computer will cost much, much more than the cost of updating
your virus definitions, to say nothing of the cost of possibly losing all
your data and the cost of having your private information delivered into the
waiting hands of criminals.


How do I stop the alert "virus protection is out of date" keeps popping up i
tried to stop alert from norton i cant afford to get a new subscription right
now pls help

You can't stop the alert, it's just the way things work.

Well, actually, you can stop the Windows Alert, just click on the
Security Settings and tell Windows to stop monitoring it.

With all the new viruses/malware out each day, you really need to renew
your subscription or get a free one that updates frequently.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Uninstall your Norton antivirus program,
then download and install Avast! antivirus
for FREE!

Free avast! 4 Home Edition

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| How do I stop the alert "virus protection is out of date" keeps popping up i
| tried to stop alert from norton i cant afford to get a new subscription right
| now pls help


Jusbnme2 said:
How do I stop the alert "virus protection is out of date" keeps popping up
tried to stop alert from norton i cant afford to get a new subscription
now pls help

The only way to remove the alert is to update your subscription.

If you are not updating it, it is useless anyway. You state that you cannot
afford to update right now...however the truth is you cannot afford to *NOT*
update right now.
I would bet money your computer is already infected.


Steven Litvintchouk

Jusbnme2 said:
How do I stop the alert "virus protection is out of date" keeps popping up i
tried to stop alert from norton i cant afford to get a new subscription right
now pls help

The danger of a virus or worm infection is so great, and the potential
damage can be so great, that it would make economic sense for you to pay
for the new subscription and save money by suspending your ISP account
for a few months instead.

In fact, if you can't run an up-to-date virus checker on your computer,
I would strongly advise you to get off the Internet anyway until you
do. The Internet is a dangerous place for unprotected computers.

(I've had to disable Norton Antivirus temporarily for various reasons,
and every time I did I made sure I was disconnected from all networks

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