Ar Q
My friend's harddrive/computer became kind of slow lately. She wanted me to
found out if it is software issue or hardware malfunction. So I took her
hard drive and hooked it to my computer (copy my hd image to her hd first).
As some of you know, I have maximized my Norton Internet Security
activations, so I immediately delete the NIS program. Then I run some
diagnosis and play some popular video games. Her hard drive looks pretty
good to me. I returned it to her and told her the problem is more like
software issue.
But now she only got blue screen using that hd. Taking it back to my place,
the hd works fine again. I did some research on this issue and found some
articles from Internet. Apparently, Symantec's activation technology is to
write some data to MBR/Boot sector to track the number of activations having
done and which may cause tampered hard drives inaccessible once the maximum
number is reached. But the articles I read don't have information on how to
reverse the effect. Will any of you knowing this matter point me to some web
pages? (I just want to put her MBR/Boot Sector back to as it was, not
reducing the activation count on her hard drive since she doesn't use NIS.)
(And now I officially hate Symantec.All I want to do is to impress the girl
and instead it makes me look bad. All the craps on activation just make the
paid customers miserable.)
Ar Q
found out if it is software issue or hardware malfunction. So I took her
hard drive and hooked it to my computer (copy my hd image to her hd first).
As some of you know, I have maximized my Norton Internet Security
activations, so I immediately delete the NIS program. Then I run some
diagnosis and play some popular video games. Her hard drive looks pretty
good to me. I returned it to her and told her the problem is more like
software issue.
But now she only got blue screen using that hd. Taking it back to my place,
the hd works fine again. I did some research on this issue and found some
articles from Internet. Apparently, Symantec's activation technology is to
write some data to MBR/Boot sector to track the number of activations having
done and which may cause tampered hard drives inaccessible once the maximum
number is reached. But the articles I read don't have information on how to
reverse the effect. Will any of you knowing this matter point me to some web
pages? (I just want to put her MBR/Boot Sector back to as it was, not
reducing the activation count on her hard drive since she doesn't use NIS.)
(And now I officially hate Symantec.All I want to do is to impress the girl
and instead it makes me look bad. All the craps on activation just make the
paid customers miserable.)
Ar Q