This is an odd problem.
My Windows 2000 Server machine (which gets rarely used except for software
updates) has been giving me a fit today... locking up a lot. I attributed
this to a hardware problem which I hope to get resolved soon.
But, while I was formatted a 120GB hard drive in there, it got to 40% then I
got one of those "remote shutdown" boxes...... said it was from the "NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" or something like that. The shutdown message was
something to the wording of "C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\SVCHOST.EXE has encountered
an error and the system will shut down now and restart"..... not the exact
wording there but almost, and it did shut down in almost a few seconds.....
never saw the "saving settings" screen or "shutting down" screens like a
normal remote shutdown does.
Upon reboot, I ran the FixBlast program I just NOW downloaded from Symantec.
It scanned my entire computer and said the Blaster Worm was not found on the
So.... what was the message I got?
Yes, all updates from Windows Update are installed.
Yes, running Norton AntiVirus 2001 with the latest virus definition
My Windows 2000 Server machine (which gets rarely used except for software
updates) has been giving me a fit today... locking up a lot. I attributed
this to a hardware problem which I hope to get resolved soon.
But, while I was formatted a 120GB hard drive in there, it got to 40% then I
got one of those "remote shutdown" boxes...... said it was from the "NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" or something like that. The shutdown message was
something to the wording of "C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\SVCHOST.EXE has encountered
an error and the system will shut down now and restart"..... not the exact
wording there but almost, and it did shut down in almost a few seconds.....
never saw the "saving settings" screen or "shutting down" screens like a
normal remote shutdown does.
Upon reboot, I ran the FixBlast program I just NOW downloaded from Symantec.
It scanned my entire computer and said the Blaster Worm was not found on the
So.... what was the message I got?
Yes, all updates from Windows Update are installed.
Yes, running Norton AntiVirus 2001 with the latest virus definition