Groove said:
Symantec will probably 'merge' ghost and DI together to produce a composite
product with the worst of each carried forward...
What is there 2 merge? Both are 'imagers' based upon different technologies,
where DM is sector oriented, Ghost is file oriented. I can't see how you
could merge those 2 different techniques into one product.
I see it like this: Ghost is the 'pioneer' (for now forgetting other
'imagers') innitially so Symantec buys it. For a long time PowerQuest
followed Ghost innovations (for example multi casting, Ghost could do that
before DM). Last couple of years it's the other way around:
- DM (pro which is the most interesting market) includes Delta technology
(to distribrute program installations), Symantec buys the company that
provided PowerQuest with the delta technology
- DM was the first being able to write to NTFS, Ghost follows
- DM was the first to be able to reboot into DOS without the need of
floppies (virual diskette), Ghost follows with the virtual partition
- Now PowerQuest introduces how imaging (V2i), Symantec decides no longer to
follow but instead buys PowerQuest.
Let's face it, this a strategy Symantec follows for years now already.