Wei Lu
Our website is using the sybase database and we use the ASE ado.net provider
to connect to the sybase DB. Sometime the website hang and we finally found
that one thread is locked on the method of open connection for sybase DB.
The windbg clr call stack shows that the thread is waiting on the
Sybase.Data.AseClient.Unmanaged.OpenConnection() method which call the
sybdrvado11.dll ( which is a unmanaged dll ) to open the connection.
Does anyone know why this issue happen? Or any tool could help me to check
what is going on and which is the thread waiting for?
Wei Lu
Our website is using the sybase database and we use the ASE ado.net provider
to connect to the sybase DB. Sometime the website hang and we finally found
that one thread is locked on the method of open connection for sybase DB.
The windbg clr call stack shows that the thread is waiting on the
Sybase.Data.AseClient.Unmanaged.OpenConnection() method which call the
sybdrvado11.dll ( which is a unmanaged dll ) to open the connection.
Does anyone know why this issue happen? Or any tool could help me to check
what is going on and which is the thread waiting for?
Wei Lu