dyso said:
I have dial-up internet. When I try to switch users I cannot access
the internet unless I close down the computer. Indications are that I
am still on the internet but I cannot access it. If I switch back to
the original user, I cannot access the internet there either. Help
please. I am new at this and have just bought computer with XP.
I have these notes on the problem from MVP Kelly Theriot. Since she
mentions that the issue may be caused by malware, your first
troubleshooting step should be to make sure the computer is clean.
If the machine is clean, you can go through Kelly's suggestions. Please
be very careful when working in the registry. If you delete the wrong
thing, you can render XP inoperable. Export the keys you are going to
change first. I would also set a System Restore point before making
changes if you aren't completely confident in your computer skills.
Start>Run>regedit [enter]
ProxyEnable set to 0
ProxyServer verify that the IP

ort is valid
Connection Settings
Connwiz Admin Lock
Set either both to 0 or delete.
Set either both to 0 or delete.
Note: NoPublishingWizard and NoOnlinePrintsWizard could also be listed
Set to 0 or delete
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Sorry, this answer is far too complicated for me to undertake.