Switching Users in Windows XP



I have Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed. When Windows XP starts I can
login to one user account but I cannot switch to another user. If I reboot I
can login to any user account but I cannot have more than one user logged on
at any one time. This happened before and I ended up reinstalling Windows.
This fixed the problem but I had to reinstall all of my other programs. I am
trying to find another solution short of reinstalling Windows.


Pegasus \(MVP\)

matt22 said:
I have Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed. When Windows XP starts I can
login to one user account but I cannot switch to another user. If I reboot I
can login to any user account but I cannot have more than one user logged on
at any one time. This happened before and I ended up reinstalling Windows.
This fixed the problem but I had to reinstall all of my other programs. I am
trying to find another solution short of reinstalling Windows.


You write "I cannot switch to another user" but you're not telling
us anything about ***how*** you try to switch to a different
user and ***what*** happens when you do it. Remember that
we cannot see your screen, hence you must post full details!


I select the "Log Off" then "Switch User" icons in XP. This brings me to the
blue screen with the user accounts that are set up on the computer. I can see
that one user account is logged in. I select another user account then the
screen flashes as if it is trying to load the other accounts settings but
nothing happens. I am returned back to the main screen with the user accounts

I can select the active account and return to it but if I want to log on
another user I have to reboot.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

There could be something wrong with the second profile.
You can test this by creating a third account, then checking
if the problem affects this third account too.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

So far you reported that you are unable to switch from
Account1 to Account2 and from Account1 to Account3.
You now have two options:

- If you are able to switch from Account2 to Account3
then the profile for Account1 is damaged and must be
- If you are unable to switch from Account2 to Account3
then your installation is damaged. Use System Restore to
return the machine to a point well before the damage
became apparent.

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