Hi - I have been upsizing a complex application to an ADP app (Access
2003 and SQL Server 2K) for the past few months, and have reached an
impasse that I can't just seem to get past, and am hoping for some
help. I have a form based on a view with several listboxes and subforms
based on SPs with parameters. I want to limit the default recordset to
records created in the past 60 days but need to allow the users to
expand all the way to 100% of records. Writing SQL via VBA is an
option, but in order to retain the functionality of the form,
performance over a WAN, and ease of maintanence, I'd prefer to use SPs
with parameters. I also don' want to clutter up the Form or change UI,
so I have added a command button that opens a 2nd form with a single
text control and Option frame where the user can specify the type of
search (e.g. Location, Account#, etc..). The users enter a text string,
hits the Find Records button, which verifies valid search criteria, and
then opens the target form. It passes the name of a stored procedure to
the Open Args via Select Case...and now I am stuck.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' This works
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.InputParameters = ""
Me.RecordSource = "vw_NetworkFootprint"
' Problems start here
Me.RecordSource = Me.OpenArgs
Me.InputParameters = "@txt_SearchBox nvarchar(25) =
Here is where I am stuck.Can't pass the Param. I have tried defining
the InputParams via VBA several different ways, Executing a SP via the
Command object with Parameters, Creating a Function and attempting to
Call the Function as the row source, but nothing seems to do both (1)
Pass the Parameter or (2) Assign the Stored Procedure to the Form's
rowsource. Help! Have gone page after page of books and Google Groups,
written a # of iterations of code, but nothing I have come up seems to
cut it. Thanks for the help!
Private Function CallStoredProc()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = cnn
.CommandText = Me.OpenArgs
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters("@txt_SearchBox") = Forms!frm_SMang.txt_SearchBox
End With
End Function
2003 and SQL Server 2K) for the past few months, and have reached an
impasse that I can't just seem to get past, and am hoping for some
help. I have a form based on a view with several listboxes and subforms
based on SPs with parameters. I want to limit the default recordset to
records created in the past 60 days but need to allow the users to
expand all the way to 100% of records. Writing SQL via VBA is an
option, but in order to retain the functionality of the form,
performance over a WAN, and ease of maintanence, I'd prefer to use SPs
with parameters. I also don' want to clutter up the Form or change UI,
so I have added a command button that opens a 2nd form with a single
text control and Option frame where the user can specify the type of
search (e.g. Location, Account#, etc..). The users enter a text string,
hits the Find Records button, which verifies valid search criteria, and
then opens the target form. It passes the name of a stored procedure to
the Open Args via Select Case...and now I am stuck.
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' This works
If IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.InputParameters = ""
Me.RecordSource = "vw_NetworkFootprint"
' Problems start here
Me.RecordSource = Me.OpenArgs
Me.InputParameters = "@txt_SearchBox nvarchar(25) =
Here is where I am stuck.Can't pass the Param. I have tried defining
the InputParams via VBA several different ways, Executing a SP via the
Command object with Parameters, Creating a Function and attempting to
Call the Function as the row source, but nothing seems to do both (1)
Pass the Parameter or (2) Assign the Stored Procedure to the Form's
rowsource. Help! Have gone page after page of books and Google Groups,
written a # of iterations of code, but nothing I have come up seems to
cut it. Thanks for the help!
Private Function CallStoredProc()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = cnn
.CommandText = Me.OpenArgs
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.Parameters("@txt_SearchBox") = Forms!frm_SMang.txt_SearchBox
End With
End Function