switches to permit an oem winxp home setup disk to update win98

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ed Z
  • Start date Start date

Ed Z

help... have an licensed copy of oem winxp install disk, and it only
permits a new setup..

I need to save hundreds of hours by upgrading to My win98 programs and

is this possible

Reply addy: (e-mail address removed)
OEM versions of Windows XP cannot be used to upgrade an
existing Windows installation. It must be installed "clean" on a
reformatted drive. Only "retail versions" of Windows XP are
capable of upgrading.



| help... have an licensed copy of oem winxp install disk, and it only
| permits a new setup..
| I need to save hundreds of hours by upgrading to My win98 programs and
| files.
| is this possible
| Reply addy: (e-mail address removed)
Doesnt seem possible that there isnt a way that the programmers needed
to test this... what are the hidden setup switches given to the
manufacturers to test and retest their setups till they got it right
to mass produce...

is this just another case of product segmentation for pricing... what
is missing form the OEM-CD-.. nada...

so why aern't the setup.exe switches available?

Reply addy: (e-mail address removed)
OEM versions of Windows XP:

-- cannot upgrade over an existing Windows installation
-- cannot be transferred to a different computer in the future
-- the license cannot be sold or transferred to another user
-- are not eligible for free Microsoft technical support
-- must be purchase with some type of computer hardware
-- cost less due to the above limitations



| Doesnt seem possible that there isnt a way that the programmers needed
| to test this... what are the hidden setup switches given to the
| manufacturers to test and retest their setups till they got it right
| to mass produce...
| is this just another case of product segmentation for pricing... what
| is missing form the OEM-CD-.. nada...
| so why aern't the setup.exe switches available?
| Reply addy: (e-mail address removed)
| On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 15:06:14 -0500, "Nicholas"
| >OEM versions of Windows XP cannot be used to upgrade an
| >existing Windows installation. It must be installed "clean" on a
| >reformatted drive. Only "retail versions" of Windows XP are
| >capable of upgrading.
| >
| >--
| >Nicholas
| >
| >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| >
| > | >
| >| help... have an licensed copy of oem winxp install disk, and it only
| >| permits a new setup..
| >|
| >| I need to save hundreds of hours by upgrading to My win98 programs and
| >| files.
| >|
| >| is this possible
| >|
| >| Reply addy: (e-mail address removed)
OEM versions of Windows XP:
-- cannot upgrade over an existing Windows installationsupport in three l
that seems like a restriction about money not software
-- cannot be transferred to a different computer in the future dont need to..
-- the license cannot be sold or transferred to another user no problems there
-- are not eligible for free Microsoft technical support
support by those who can not be understood by an american speaking
english... no problems there
-- must be purchase with some type of computer hardware did.. bought a 3rd hard drive
-- cost less due to the above limitations
silly limitations given the "lack of loss of value" to menow for the switches please..

I'm sorry, but what makes you think they have switches for this? Sure, the resulting
OS code bits that would be laid down would basically be the same, but the setup
routines/programs are different. Why would they code in switches to do exactly what
they DON'T want in the OEM version.

Randy Byrne
Microsoft MVP (Windows Technologies)
Associate Expert

Do not email me, please use the newsgroup so that everyone benefits.
(e-mail address removed) (Ed Z) wrote in
Doesnt seem possible that there isnt a way that the programmers needed
to test this... what are the hidden setup switches given to the
manufacturers to test and retest their setups till they got it right
to mass produce...

is this just another case of product segmentation for pricing... what
is missing form the OEM-CD-.. nada...

so why aern't the setup.exe switches available?

Why would there be switches?? Programmers aren't likely to use OEM CD's.
they would use retail Upgrade or full version CD's. OEM disk are made for
Manufacturers/Builders to install on brand new systems that don;'t have any
previous OS.

And yes, It is Price Segmentation. OEM CD's are cheaper because they don't
do Upgrades and there is no MS support.
