
  • Thread starter Thread starter Todd
  • Start date Start date


I have a data base where I created a 2nd switchboard that
opens from the 1st. How do I get to the second switchboard
in Design View to make changes to it? Every time I hit the
Design View button, it takes me back to the first
switchboard. HELP!
Hi Todd,

You must be using the built-in Access Switchboard Manager I presume?

Even though it appears you are making additional menu forms with sub-menus,
in fact it is just ONE form that is being displayed at all times. The
different command buttons and labels change according to the Switchboard
Items table and through the form's code. If you make any change to the form,
it will "appear" on ALL sub-menus. There are ways around this, but it gets
pretty complicated.

If you really wish to make each sub-menu look different, your best bet is to
just create your own custom unbound forms and launch all your procedures
from there. You will no longer be constrained by the Switchboard Manager's

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
If you haven't disabled short-cut menus you could right
click on the title bar of the 2nd switchboard and
select 'Design View'.

Another way would be to press F11 to view your database
window, and select the 2nd switchboard object there, then
click the Design button.