
  • Thread starter Thread starter Howard
  • Start date Start date


Access 2000: We've been using the built in Switchboard
Manager, but now want to build our own. If we have a form
with as many as 28 command buttons on it each of which
opens a report, will this work with no problems? We want
to anticipate avoiding any possible corruption problems in


While it is certainly possible to have that many command buttons on a form,
you may want to think about a cleaner appearance. For example, you could
have a listbox that lists the reports and one command button (maybe two).
The user selects the report and clicks a button to either preview the report
or print it.

In its simplist form...

I have a table in the frontend that stores the report name, a user-friendly
name, a description, and a sort order.

Your listbox rowsource is something like
SELECT ObjName, DisplayName, ObjDesc
FROM tblReportObj
ORDER BY ListOrder;

The bound column is 1 and the column widths are 0";3";0"

I put a textbox and set it's control source to

In the OnClick of the command button

Dim stDocName As String

If Not IsNull(Me!lstChooseRpt) Then
stDocName = lstChooseRpt
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview
MsgBox "You must choose a report.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Parameter
End If