Switchboard problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Mesarch
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Mark Mesarch

I created a switchboard in the database I was working on.
Somehow the form of the switchboard must have gotten
deleted. The Table of the switchboard items still
exists. If I got up into the menu under Tools | Database
Utilitites | Switchboard Manager the switchboard parts
are still there. How can I get back the form for the
Hi Mark,

Private Sub HelpMark()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Let's try the easiest solution first.
The form may have been set to Hidden by accident.
Go up to Tools--Options.
On the View tab make sure "Show Hidden Objects" is checked.
Did it reappear?

If vbYes then right click on the form in the Database Window and go to
Properties. Uncheck the box that says: "Hidden" so it won't happen again.
GoTo ExitPoint

ElseIf vbNo then GoTo SecondOption


Back-ups are your best friend. Can you just import the form from a back-up
Make sure you compile immediately after importing

Problem solved?

If vbYes then GoTo ExitPoint

Else GoTo ThirdOption


If you haven't already let's make a backup of your database right now before
we go any further!!

Ok, we can trick the Switchboard Manager into creating a
new form for you, but it will be the basic one.

1. Go to the Tables tab of the Database Window. Find the
table called Switchboard Items. Right click on the table
and rename it to OldSwitchboard Items.
2. Now launch the Switchboard Manager. The wizard looks
for that table and since it can't find it, it will ask if
you would like to create one. Say Yes. A NEW Switchboard
Items TABLE and FORM will be created.
3. Go back to the Tables tab of the Database Window and
delete the brand new table called Switchboard Items.
4. Rename the OldSwitchboard Items table back to just
Swithboard Items.

Now you should back to normal. However, the form will be
the Access default one. If you did any formatting or other
special changes to your original form, you will have to
make those changes all over again.

5. Make another back up copy.
6. Repeat step 5 three times to three different
directories. :-)

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Not Good!"
Resume ExitPoint

End Sub

Hope that helps,
Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon
If you run the Switchboard Manager again, it will recognise the Switchboard
Form doesn't exist and the SM will create a new Switchboard Form for you
using the existing [Switchboard Items] Table.
Actually Van that's not correct.
As long as there is a table called "Switchboard Items" the wizard will run,
even if there is no "Switchboard Form" in the database.

Try this to see:
1. Create a blank new database.
2. Run the Switchboard Manager and have it create a form and table.
3. Close the wizard and immediately delete the form.
4. Compact the database.
5. Run the wizard again and you will see the option boxes come up even
though there is no form present.

This is in 97 and 2000, not sure about later versions.

Jeff Conrad
Bend, Oregon

Van T. Dinh said:
If you run the Switchboard Manager again, it will recognise the Switchboard
Form doesn't exist and the SM will create a new Switchboard Form for you
using the existing [Switchboard Items] Table.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Mark Mesarch said:
I created a switchboard in the database I was working on.
Somehow the form of the switchboard must have gotten
deleted. The Table of the switchboard items still
exists. If I got up into the menu under Tools | Database
Utilitites | Switchboard Manager the switchboard parts
are still there. How can I get back the form for the
Thanks, Jeff.

I must have remembered the wrong way around.

In that case, just re-name the [Switchboard Items] Table to something else,
use the Switchboard Manager to re-create the Switchboard Form and Table.
Delete the new [Switchboard Items] Table and rename the old one back to
[Switchboard Items].